Miriam Alex is a lover of all things slice-of-life. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Best New Poets 2023, OSU's The Journal and Frontier Poetry, among others. If you spot her in the wild, don't be afraid to say hello! She'd love to meet you, especially if you bring snacks. You can reach her here.

Selected Publications
"Zombie Fiction," Poet Lore (Forthcoming)
"Americana," The Journal (June 2024)
"On the Reproduction of Images", Best New Poets 2023 (Print)
"To Pass the Bechdel-Wallace Test," Frontier Poetry
"The Fundamentals of Science Fiction, or Why I Could Never Love You," Gigantic Sequins (Print)
"For What It's Worth," Peach Mag
"Final Girl (With Director Commentary)," Penn Review

Semifinalist, YesYes Books Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest (2023)
Finalist, Best New Poets (2023)
1st place, George Harmon Coxe Award (2023)
Shortlist, Alpine Fellowship Poetry Prize (2023)
Finalist, Ralph Angel Poetry Prize (2022)
Finalist, Seventh Annual Narrative High School Writing Contest (2022)
Honorable Mention in Poetry, YoungArts Foundation (2022)
Finalist, Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest (2021)